Throughout this rule book, for reasons of brevity, wherever the words “he” or “his” occur, such reference is deemed apply to either sex. All references to gender should be revised to secure equal rights for both genders, and not mentioned women as something that need separate rules, like in the below example from the Weighing In. In competitions in which both sexes are competing


Age Categories - (Men)
  • Open : from the day he reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply).
  • Sub-Junior : from the day he reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 18 years.
  • Junior : from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 23 years
  • Master I : from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 49 years
  • Master II : from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 59 years.
  • Master III : from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he reaches 69 years.
  • Master IV : from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 70 years and upwards
Age Categories - (Women)
  • Open : from the day she reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply)
  • Sub-Junior : from the day she reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 18 years.
  • Junior : from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 19 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 23 years
  • Master I : from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 40 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 49 years.
  • Master II : from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 50 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 59 years.
  • Master III : from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 60 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she reaches 69 years.
  • Master IV : from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 70 years and upwards.
  • Competitive lifting for lifters below the age of 14 is only allowed at National competitions
Note : Please download our brochure for more details

For more information, please contact - 9836242999 / 8584088349 / 9830616135